Dealing with Anxiety - Catastrophizing

Dealing with Anxiety - Catastrophizing

With everything that’s going on in the world right now, it’s easy to focus on the worst possible outcomes...but it’s certainly not healthy!  Catastrophizing can make you anxious, depressed, and unmotivated. In the following video, Emma McAdam does a great job of explaining what catastrophizing is, how to stop it, and what to do instead. In one of my favorite quotes, she says, 

Instead of labeling anxiety as bad or harmful or saying “I can’t handle this” you say, “This is uncomfortable, but it won’t injure me. I can do hard things.” 

Yes,  you can do hard things, like learning to accept uncertainty and become more adept at dealing with anxiety! 

Dr. Amy’s Magic Formula for Repair When You F Up

Dr. Amy’s Magic Formula for Repair When You F Up

Be Like a “Burner” and Wear a Mask!

Be Like a “Burner” and Wear a Mask!