Wield the Power of Checklists!

Wield the Power of Checklists!

Happy #ChecklistDay!

Okay, Checklist Day is actually October 30, but October is such a busy month that in order to make room for a fun holiday post next week, I’m going to check “writing about checklists” off my list a week early!

I knew from the beginning that my book, GetReal, GetGOING: The Definitive Roadmap to Starting the Private Practice of Your Dreams, would include a checklist at the end of each chapter—and it does. The end-of-chapter checklists  include exercises from the book, as well as tasks that are crucial during the time frame discussed in the chapter—from signing up for licensing board updates after graduation, to ordering stationary as you prepare to open your own office!

I’m a big fan of checklists, because they have a lot of benefits — here are just a few:

  1. A checklist is a reminder: We have a lot to keep track of in our brains, and a checklist is a great way to offload some of the burden, while keeping items from “falling between the cracks.”

  2. A checklist can relieve stress: Having a list, and checking things off it can reassure you that you haven’t forgotten anything important.

  3. A checklist allows you to set priorities: When you can look at tasks all in one place, it can help you figure out which are the most important, then you can act in accordance with your goals instead of reacting to whatever feels urgent in the moment.

  4. A checklist “pre-makes” your decisions: Whether it’s eating something healthy, working out or making a dreaded phone call, one of the biggest zappers of our willpower is having to make a decision to do something. But if you have a list, your decision is already made, and you can use your willpower to act instead of deciding to act.

  5. A checklist helps motivation and productivity: When you see yourself achieving tasks and making progress, you feel good, which encourages you to continue!

  6. A checklist creates a sense of purpose and accountability to your larger goals: Each item on your list is a mini-contract you have made with yourself to work toward a goal. Reviewing your tasks on your list reminds you of that.

So, if you’re not yet a keeper of lists, consider giving it a try. To get you started, here’s an article with 10 Simple Tips for making great to-do lists. And, if you’re looking for the perfect notebook for your checklists, I LOVE this Task Pad notepad from my local Los Angeles stationary shop, Shorthand.

Now go cross that off your list!

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